So. I need to weave in those ends and block that baby and it will be ready to send to OFA! WooHoo! My first charity knit. I began working on the Perfect Fit Skirt, and I really like the striping of the yarn. It's very pretty. Right now though, my perfect fit skirt looks more like a really slutty tube top...
Sadly, here is my Isabella.
Something went horribly wrong. I messed up the decreases on the right front top panel, and now I need to frog back to the beginning of that section of the pattern. I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet though. I made a deal with myself that I would work on my smaller projects in between every ball of the skirt. And I finished the first ball of the skirt yesterday. So I cast on this...
So much for working on the Isabella. That little circle is a beanie for the DH. He's been asking for a beanie for a very long time, since I learned to knit. A. very. long. time.
So, you see. I think I may have developed a problem. I'm losing my mind. All I can think about lately is knitting! I think I caught a virus from you knitbloggers!
Here's my Ten Simple Things That Make Me Happy
1. Books
2. Cheesy food
3. Quiet Time
4. Nice Weather
5. Learning something new
6. Making new friends
7. French fries
8. French language (I don't know how to speak french, but it is so pretty)
9. Fires on a cold night
10. Knitting (I'm putting this at the bottom to combat this addictive behavior of late!)
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