Tuesday, September 23

Ten on Tuesday

It seems like I only get around to blogging when I do the Ten on Tuesday - oh well - c'est la vie. All projects are still in the same condition they were in last Tuesday - except I started a new one and finished the beanie for DH. The Serenity blanket has been started and I think it's fabulous - I've made an error inside one of the first lace cables, but I've decided that for my first lace cable pattern there isn't anything wrong with a few misplaced stitches - plus the recipients really won't give a damn... they're the type of folks that will decide the mistake makes the blanket better because it's one of a kind.

10 Great Things That Happened this Summer...

1. I went to Jenner. I heart Jenner. I heart the Russian River. I wish I lived there.
2. I gardened with my mother-in-law, thus beginning to bridge a strange gap between us that sprang from no where.
3. I went to the farmer's market every Thursday and bought a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie from a bread maker in Davis.
4. I've increased my skills as a knitter, and become unfortunately obsessed.
5. I read Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood.
6. I realized I don't love summer as much as I did when I had them off.
7. Fall comes after summer.
8. I think that number seven explains why 8, 9, and 10 are blank!

In other news, I'm finishing up my master's and cannot wait to be done with school. I don't know what I'll do next but I'll be glad to have that monkey off my back.

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